
Writing My New Chapter


How Easy Is it For You?

        The joy of learning a new software program is never on my bucket list.  Hours of sitting in front of a computer. Trial and error trying to make the program do what I thought it should do. And that's if I understand what I'm suppose to be doing.  Do I get what I wanted on the screen?  NO!  
        Why can't software instruction be like reading a non-fiction children's book? 
         I pick up the book, open to page one and start to read. By page two or three, I am learning facts, understand the topic and am lost in the book.   I love the pictures (no matter how small) and can't put the book down. I read it several times. The bibliography, index, and further reading entices me to read more about the topic.  I am "in the know" about the topic.
       We need software folks to take education classes/teach training classes.  Learn how to provide instructions/directions that people understand.  Yes, Chat does help. Yes, feedback does help,too.  Just make it simpler to understand up front and this writer will GET IT!      


Unknown said...

Your blog is looking great, and I really like this post! All best wishes with the new blog!!

Unknown said...

Thanks to one of the best in the writing world!

Shannon Hitchcock ~ Children's Writer said...

Learning a new program is annoying to be sure, but keep practicing. Pretty soon it'll be old hat!