
Writing My New Chapter


Time to Write

Here I sit on a Friday morning starring at my office walls.  I tell myself-write, get to work, write. I see my calendar that says May 11.  Time to send out that magazine article I've been writing for 2 weeks.  My favorite quote by Audrey Hepburn, "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, I'm possible", hangs on my wall glaring at me.  I close the window shutters; it's dark. Nothing on the outside world to distract me. Write, I say write.  Coffee in one hand; type with the other.  Ah! this works. It must be the jolt, the kaboom to get going.Yes, I admit I'm a coffee addict. I do my best writing under the influence of the dark, smokey, rich blends.      

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Joann, Mothers day at my church included the word "Impossible." We all were given paper & pen and instructed to write that word (with a big "I"). At different intervals during the sermon we were asked to first circle the "I", then circle the entire word, then circle the "m," and read the results, which were: "I-m-possible!" This is the third time I've seen something similar since then...seems like I'm being hit over the head with a message lately. Thanks for the third I must consider it, lol. Glad to see you writing; sometimes we do just need to "shut the shutters" on the outside world. Hope the blog inspires you by getting the creative juices flowing. See you soon, Karen