
Writing My New Chapter


Do I Need This Conference?

I took to heart the blog written by author, C. Hope Clark, asking this very question.
       For two days, when I sat at my desk, I ask myself, "How could  the SCBWI regional conference @ Disney EPCOT  make a difference on my writing?  Did I want to spend the money?"
       I had been to the 2011 SCBWI regional conference in Miami.  While there, I met new writers I now call  friends, found a new writing group, and felt each session had talked right to me.
       So without hesitation, I signed up for SCBWI: Disney. Forget the money, it's worth it.  It will support  and encourage my need to write for children.
     To attend an SCBWI conference with debut authors (first time published) is huge. You can feel the  happiness in the room. You can feel the relief of the new authors when their book is being held and accepted by other writers/authors. 
      As a writer, I know my day will come.  That first published book will be my pride and joy. Yes, I am paying my dues - writing magazine articles, taking courses, writing draft picture book ideas and attending conferences.  It's not just that!  It's my writing group buddies, my new found friends and the support of everyone in business. 
      Conferences are worth  their weight in gold.  Use them for your need and desire after previewing the daily schedules,intensives and keynote speakers.  Make them fun. Learn and network!  You never know who you will meet.  Go forth!  See you on June 16th. I'll be in the Picture Book workshops feeling the love from all present and future published authors. 

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