
Writing My New Chapter


Flying Leap

And the time came when the risk to remain a closed bud became infinitely more painful
than the risk to blossom. - Anais Nin

     Running in a road race, I train for hours and days.  My strategy - Just finish the 5K (3.1 miles).
     Not a far distance considering marathoners run 26 miles in a race.
     This writer can't imagine going farther than 3.1 miles.  I dress the part, lace up the shoes and grab a bottle of water.   Out the door and within ten minutes, I want to walk.  Not yet, keep going.  I turn the Ipod  louder. The song, Wrecking Ball by Bruce Springsteen, pounding in my ears as my feet hit the pavement.   Keep going!  Just Do It! 
      Practice over, race day on!. 
      Guess what, I do finish!  

        Writing stories that people want to read reminds me of running a road race.  I get your coffee in the morning, sit at my desk, and open the story that needs revision.   Ten minutes of writing, sip more coffee and stare at the black print on the page.  Now my strategy kicks in - turn the Ipod louder and keep going. Keep going! Just do it!
      Written drafts with revision on lots of stories.  Guess what,  I haven't finished!
     Practice keeps going... my writing group buddies one day will say, "It's really good, why don 't you start submitting it."  -  Race day on!    
      Stay tuned - My next post - Going the distance with writing and maintaining an inner peace.

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