
Writing My New Chapter


Potential Opportuntiy

Have you heard of The Institute of Children's Literature?  Founded in 1969 in West Redding, Connecticut, it offers writing home study courses.  Institute instructors teach children's writing through written correspondence with their assigned student.  Information and responses by the instructor guides writing development from a beginner writing level through  the potential submission of a manuscript. Resources to support growth in writing are readily available if the student seeks them out.  No endorsement here but worth checking out!

My time with the Institute is over after almost two years. Special thanks to instructor, Marcia Amidon Lusted for her friendly letters of encouragement and honest critiques of monthly assignments.

Writing fiction/nonfiction articles for a children's magazine with my new learned knowledge is anticipated. Actuality of being published something to look towards.  Anticipated rejection from publishers seems part of the business.  Reality of debut author-a dream!  

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