
Writing My New Chapter


Lots of Its

"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working."    Pablo Picasso

"Cultivate the inner self; its power becomes real."  Lao-Tzu

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always try just one more time."      Thomas Edison
Thoughts, Ideas, Inspirational moments
   Talk about it ....
         Use a friend as a sounding board to make it real.

     Think about it...
         Quiet, peaceful moments to relish the what it is.

     Write about it...
          Journal, draw, create with it.

     Don't get down about it...
         Whatever it may be; its okay, work with it.

     Reality check it...
          Will it really work or does it need revisiting?

     Move it and shake it...
           Change a word, add a paragraph, sleep on it, dream.
     Give thanks for it? Or not?  It belongs to you!

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