
Writing My New Chapter


How Do It Happen?

Where does the time go?
      How can the days in a week turn out to be so short?  Not short as in total number of minutes or hours but short in "as where did the time go?" and "can't believe the week is over."  We spend years of our lives in a job out of the home that we love. Oh how the days go so slow as we talk around the water cooler. We get to a phrase in our lives -  now everyday and every week goes by as a whiz or whirl.
      I'm rambling, right? Yes, but we are free to do that in our busy, get it done, hurry up world. 
       I wish I had more time to sit, type and explain. Got to run. 
      So... I'm going to post twice a week and put myself on a schedule.  Why?  I work best from a schedule.  More to come.   

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So True, So True! Before I'm finished with this week, next week is already here. I'm terrible with schedules, but finding I write/revise/research, better in the mornings when I'm not tired from the rush of life's-day.