
Writing My New Chapter


Kick in the Butt

 Inspiration and Motivation?

The heat of the day is stifling and the humidity makes your hair cling to your neck.  The music on the radio lift your spirits as you drive down Hummingbird Lane.  The name of the street inspires you to stop the car, pull over, whip out your journal and write the final pages of your novel. 


You begin to think of ways you've been motivated in the past few months.  
Dr. Oz motivating you to eat right.
Oprah, who expects you to have self esteem and inspire others.
The threat of the job loss if you don't play your cards correctly.
Diet newsletters like Weight Watchers and MRC encouraging you to lose weight. 
Articles in a magazine like Real Simple that want to keep you organized in everyday life. What a concept?  Room in a closet for more stuff when your done cleaning.


Is it in a hammock feeling lazy with a margarita and a good book? 

1 comment:

Shannon Hitchcock ~ Children's Writer said...

Lately, I can't focus enough to write. It's not a lack of motivation, but the impending departure of my only son for college. Not only are there a thousand errands to get him ready, but my mind keeps dwelling in the past, remembering the little boy he was.