
Writing My New Chapter


Potential Opportuntiy

Have you heard of The Institute of Children's Literature?  Founded in 1969 in West Redding, Connecticut, it offers writing home study courses.  Institute instructors teach children's writing through written correspondence with their assigned student.  Information and responses by the instructor guides writing development from a beginner writing level through  the potential submission of a manuscript. Resources to support growth in writing are readily available if the student seeks them out.  No endorsement here but worth checking out!

My time with the Institute is over after almost two years. Special thanks to instructor, Marcia Amidon Lusted for her friendly letters of encouragement and honest critiques of monthly assignments.

Writing fiction/nonfiction articles for a children's magazine with my new learned knowledge is anticipated. Actuality of being published something to look towards.  Anticipated rejection from publishers seems part of the business.  Reality of debut author-a dream!  



"We so strongly believe that the future of our state rests in the hands and minds of our youngest that we have personally contributed to the launching of ReadingPals--an early literacy initiative in ten Florida regions.  Our goal is to ensure that more children are reading at grade level by the end of
third grade."   Carol Barnett

Reading Pal Program
A three year initiative sponsored by The Children's Movement and United Way that focuses on engaging,training and deploying volunteer "reading pals" for children at local schools.  Tampa is one of the ten regions for this program.

Looking forward as a volunteer to interact with kids in the schools. Can only assist writing craft as reading and writing, go hand in hand. New direction in new chapter.


Summer Delights

"The art of writing is the art of applying the seat of the pants to the seat of the chair."      Mary Heaton Vorse
"Don't say the old lady screamed-bring her on and let her scream."   Mark Twain
"Find out what your hero or heroine wants, and when he or she wakes up in the morning, just follow him or her all day."   Ray Bradbury

The summer reading list is shorter. 
My reasons and I'm sticking to them.   
hot, humid and rainy afternoons 
* putting "butt in chair"  
* reading late into the evening (all night,too)
* letting dust settle on the furniture

I found new characters with personalities that could be loved and hated chapter by chapter.  Settings that makes one gasp, giggle and yawn. Adventure, lost hope, and discovery of self.  Books that spoke to me at every turn.    
Go forth and read. You owe it to yourself. Make it happen.       


School Days

Children waiting at school bus stops.  Schoolhouses full of eager new teachers. College bound 'kids'  going away for the first time. Kindergartners with first day jitters and mid-grade students in their new 'diva outfits'.   The million of dollars in sales of school supplies. School days are here.

Two exciting books for sharing with kids during reading time or homework time.
From author Mac Barnett with wonderful illustration by Dan Santat.
Stories for the youngster in each of us!       

2010 Disney Hyperion Books New York, NY

2012   Disney  Hyperion Books New York, NY 




Day Tripper

Oh, for the public library.  Opportunity to write for one hour. The words come fast. My hand moving the pen over the paper to get them down.  One great hour of true bliss. 
On my way out, I pick up a new novel and several picture books for the weekend.
Humor is good for the soul.  I laugh when I get home and open my bag on the dining room table.

Why did I pick up the DVD- Mr. Toad's Wild Ride ?
I am planning to take a trip to Hawaii. Any connection?

The novel Mennonite in a Little Black Dress  by Rhoda Janzen
The RNC in Tampa beginning Aug. 27.  From fancy parties  to zealous protesters, leaving town is a great option to keep the faith in politics and peace of mind. 
Children's picture books:  Think Big by Liz Garton Scanlon, OK GO by Carin Berger and Hand Book by Jeff Newman  (49, 79 and 45 words respectively)
Short easy books for my cluttered mind

Five bookmarks
Why only five?  I usually get a handful.

Six pamphlets on events coming to the library soon.
See Jane run. See Dick run.  See Spot run. 
No, not today.  No, not tonight.

I love the public library. Support your favorite librarian. Go for a visit. See what you bring home.


Lots of Its

"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working."    Pablo Picasso

"Cultivate the inner self; its power becomes real."  Lao-Tzu

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always try just one more time."      Thomas Edison
Thoughts, Ideas, Inspirational moments
   Talk about it ....
         Use a friend as a sounding board to make it real.

     Think about it...
         Quiet, peaceful moments to relish the what it is.

     Write about it...
          Journal, draw, create with it.

     Don't get down about it...
         Whatever it may be; its okay, work with it.

     Reality check it...
          Will it really work or does it need revisiting?

     Move it and shake it...
           Change a word, add a paragraph, sleep on it, dream.
     Give thanks for it? Or not?  It belongs to you!