
Writing My New Chapter


Habit or Routine

"All our life, so far as it has definite form, is but a mass of habits"  William James 1892

What is a habit?  Why do habits even exist? 
Does something cause a habit?  Are we able to change or cure one?

Routines and their importance are a part of the whole equation.

Read the powerful book: The Power of Habit   Why We Do What We do in Life and Business
by Charles Duhigg   Random House Publishing 2012

Simple but complex book for people always wondering how things happen even when you haven't given it a second thought.   Example:  We lock the door to the house, drive away and only than wonder if  the door is locked. 

Read it on your Nook or Kindle. Better yet- pick up a copy at the local bookstore. 


Unknown said...

What a question! Have to think about it. I'm so glad you're staying with blogging. You've lots to say!

Unknown said...

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just take timeout to refresh
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